well since june i haven't been running much and it shows. what i would like to share with you today is what i learned from this.
if you ever want to run slow in a 100 i will try to give you some tips so you don't faulter in barely finishing a 100 under the cutoffs. believe me, this takes practice. i did my little runner-up training run at waldo 100k by running DFL for almost 3 hours. it was here at Angeles Crest 100 where i wanted to perfect this mastery of running pathetically slow for 100 miles and still complete the race.
here are a few tips that helped me accomplish this goal...
1. come into the race 15 pounds over weight...
-- i came into the race weighing 155 pounds. a full 15 or so pounds heavier than any other 100 that i have done. here you go, you get the picture. (states '06, 142lbs, rio '06, 141lbs, kettle, '07, 141 lbs, rio '07 142lbs.)
2. come into the race still with flirting with stroking out...
--yes, you see, 159 over 98. and that is on meds!!! oh, this is fun f$%king with the nurses taking your blood pressure. they love this shit.
3. come into the race as a seeded runner...
-- yes, i was seeded to run under 24. oh, if the rd only knew how pathetic my training had been and how the pilsbury dough boy showed up wearing #101 he would have thought twice about that seeding order.
4. come into the race plannng on sitting at aid stations...
i have never sat at any 100 before this one. but you guessed it. this lard ass had to sit for a few at aid stations in this one. i did and i accomplished my goal. that said, i think i actually bent some legs on a chair at idlehour... wow, what a lard ass...
5. come into the race to waist a lot of time... take a lot of pictures...
6. come into the race gazing at the morning sunrise... do this often...
7. come into the race gazing at more morning sceneries...